Raising Godly Children Seminar

Raising Godly Children Seminar – September 23, 2017

Legacy’s Director, Katie Tseng, will partner with Lindsay Thorne and The Promise Church to present Raising Godly Children Seminar.

You will learn solid principles of godly parenting, including an effective approach to discipline and how to nurture character traits that are necessary for success. The way we raise our children right now has eternal impact: for our children and for the people they will influence later in life. Do you want your children to be strong and victorious, no matter their circumstances? Do you wish for them a life of joy and righteousness? Come learn how to pass this on to our future generation.

Whether you think you are doing well as a parent or desperately needing help, there will be plenty of new ideas and methods for you to learn!

Where: The Promise Church in Escondido
2423 S. Centre City Parkway 92025 Phone: 760-580-2399
When: Saturday, September 23, 2017 9am-2pm
Cost: $10 per person, includes Lunch. Make checks payable to The Promise Church. Legacy will pay half of your fee if you register by next Friday, September 15!
Childcare: provided and complimentary (free!)
Register: With Ms. Carol at the Administrative Office

Click on the flyer below for more details!

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