Parenting Seminar: Discipline in the Home – March 1, 2012

Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re doing all you can to train up your child to be happy, self-disciplined, respectful, and confident?  Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out what you’ve done wrong because your child seems disobedient and willful?

Our parenting seminar this Thursday, 6-8pm is just for you!  You’ll learn the pillars of discipline and these basic principles will guide your actions.

Come and connect with  other parents and educators, and tap into their knowledge and experience.  Please tell all your friends who need this kind of support in raising their children.  See you this Thursday at 6 pm.  Legacy Montessori school provides seminars like this to serve the community.  So come and join us.  All are welcome.

Please RSVP via our contact form or by calling us at 858-679-9949


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