10 Ways to Spoil Your Child Without Making Them Rotten

Finding you and your children stressed out by discipline issues?  Wish you could remain firm in raising them right while making sure they don’t get overwhelmed?  Do you find yourself regretting how you’ve treated your child, even though you were right?

Here are 10 ways to spoil your child without making them rotten:

1) Lavish them with life defining words: (E.G. You are a generous child, you are intelligent, diligent, you are an honest person) Even though you might feel they don’t have these qualities yet, speak it into existence.   They will rise to the expectation as you define them by their nature, not their behavior.

2) Take them out on a date to the place of their choice:  E.G. Mother-Daughter date for ice cream, Father-Son date to the airplane museum.

3) Rub their backs gently while talking with them

4) Brag about them in front of others:  E.G.  “My son brought breakfast to me, he has such a servant heart .  My daughter has such a compassionate spirit that she prays for _____”

5) Cook something he requests that he doesn’t normally get.

6) Say yes to things to which you normally say no:  E.G “Sure you can have one small piece of that chocolate cake after we finish dinner, after that we can even go ride bikes together to work off the sugar.”

7) When they need to pick up their clothes in their room, try saying, “I am going to help you clean your room and even label the drawers so you’ll know where to put your clothes next time.”

8 ) Play a game of your chid’s choice

9) Take them buy the toy they have been saving for.

10) After your child does something worthy of a serious consequence, explain the reason why what they did was wrong but end with and affirming statement:  E.G. ” I love you and will always forgive you.”

As a reminder:  On Thursday, March 1st,, 2012 at 6PM we will resume our Free Parenting Seminars.  Click HERE for more information.

Topic: “Discipline in Your Family.”

Discipline is not just knowing what to do when your child does something wrong. It is about setting the right tone with your children so when they do need correction, it can be done clearly, easily and effectively. We will discuss key principles for discipline and address issues with strong-willed children.

Legacy Montessori School provides these seminars as a free service to the community. Please let your friends know. Free child care will be provided.

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