10 Essential Parenting Principles

Preparing for our first parenting Seminar of the school year, I asked myself, what are the essential parenting principles that parents need?  What fresh perspectives can I offer?  What parenting skills and concepts will profit our families?  I reflected on my own experiences over the years as a parent, a teacher and as a school director.  I went through my parenting seminar notes, power points presentations, parenting books, notes from counseling parents. How I would have benefited from this information as a young mom!

Then I thought, can I narrow down the skills needed for effective parenting to a Top 10 List?  Below is my attempt to do so, although not in any particular order of importance.

1)      The importance of authority.

2)      Train your child proactively instead of reactively.

3)      Understand the 7 essential qualities that every person needs to be successful.

4)      Teach excellence instead of mediocrity

5)      Nurture purpose and calling in your child’s life.

6)      Deal with heart problems directly by shepherding the Spirit.

7)      Practice the power of Speaking Life.

8)      Deal with the will of a child by setting boundaries.

9)      Teach your child to practice principles for Success.

10)   Use the Bible as the standard.

Many of these principles are not taught in schools, teacher training courses, nor even used by my own parents.  They were gleaned from respected authorities in parenting, tested in my own home, employed by our Teachers here at Legacy, and, hopefully, received into our school’s families.  They are to provide focus, guidance and peace to parents; stability, security and boundaries to their children. Our daily parenting decisions will be a lot easier once we have clear guidelines.

You are invited to our Parenting Seminar on Oct. 24th.  Our school sponsors these free seminars because we believe in more than just educating children.  We equip parents to fulfill this great calling in their lives.  Each Principle warrants its own seminar to do it justice.  I will give an overview on the 10 Essential Principles, focusing on one or two of them for the evening.  We will discuss how these can be applied in the home and at school.   Free childcare is also provided so both parents can attend.  Please RSVP to Ms. Carol at [email protected] or call Legacy at 858-679-9949.

Katie Tseng

Legacy Montessori School
The Excellent Child


Katie Tseng is the director and founder of Legacy Montessori School and The Excellent Child Ministry.  Her mission is to train up generations of young people that display excellence in skill and character, and who fulfill their calling for God’s purpose in their lives.

An educator for over 20 years, her collective experience as director, teacher and parent trainer, curriculum developer, and speaker contributes to her life’s calling:  Building Generations of Young Achievers who are Passionate for God.

Beginning as a Sunday School Teacher, she served as the director of Children’s Ministry at the Brooklyn Community Christian Church in New York for two years.  Building upon that experience, she continued to serve as Youth Director for nine more years until moving to San Diego in 1999.

With a BA and MA in Education from New York University, Ms. Tseng taught in the public school system in New York City and in San Diego for 8 years.  In 2001, she was trained at the San Diego Montessori Teacher’s College.  She went on to work at a local Montessori school, gaining experience before opening Cornerstone Christian Montessori School in 2002.  There she spent the first three years in the classroom teaching alongside other teachers.  In her years as an administrator, she created and refined Montessori curriculums, trained teachers and conducted parent education classes.

For her dedication to education and the lives of children and youth, Ms. Tseng was a recipient of the Woman’s History Month Award from the Sheepshead Bay Historical Society in New York, and numerous honorable mentions from the Mayor and Councilman.

As a speaker, Ms. Tseng combines practical advice with knowledge she’s gained as an educator, director, and most importantly, as a parent. She incorporates her extensive reading and research in the topics on which she speaks.  Her messages are hopeful and timely, providing a much needed resource for parents seeking God’s very best for their children.

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